Last semester one of my design context projects was to produce packaging for a kitchen product using recyclable materials such as card or paper , here’s some of my inspirations I found.

I really like novelty type designs which add interest to the product. This design takes the pattern and shapes of the different types of pasta and turns it into hair which it looks similar too. I think the die cut in the box shaped into the shape of the hair makes it so much more interesting to look at aswell as giving you a visual idea of what your purchasing. This packaging would really standout from the other pasta packaging on the shelf.


“In honor of her 108th birthday this year, our client launched Thelma’s – delivering warm cookies to businesses and selling ice cream cookie sandwiches at events.

In this packaging the box is no longer a box but rather an oven which is providing fresh cookies. It provides an interactive experience for the consumer and considers the way they interact with the packaging, making it a more enjoyable experience.

By turning the packaging into something its not but something people recognise creates feelings of nostalgia which would make people want to purchase them.

Similar to the Thelma’s cookies packaging here is an oven box for a cupcake. in which you open the oven door to reveal the cupcake.

I went onto to explore these ideas of nostalgia, die cuts and transforming the box into another object in my own project designs.