As part of the team section of the design practice module, our last group task in the brief is to generate an app proposal which allows people to share folktales.

As two of our group members haven’t been present for this task I worked as part of a pair to do this. Together we used our target audiences needs to generate a core function for the app and came up with ideas of how the app would look and operate.

Our target audience wanted some form of exploration and escapism, which lead us to come up with an interactive library where they could pick a book from an array of option on digital shelves to read.

I decided to do some research of app with similar functions to ours to see there use of layout, colours and icons and how you move through the app.

One of the apps I download was ‘ireader’ (shown above) . This app is fit for purpose but is very basic as it lacks in any additional features a user might aspect to give the app interest. It has basic feature such as scrolling through genres, individual books and then an area where you can save the books you are reading. As we want our app to be more interactive, as this is what an apps function is, it will have more elements than this.

Another app I downloaded was ‘wattpad’ this app allows you to create your own stories aswell as read others which is more similar to our concept. It has navigation bars at the top and bottom so you enter different section of the app quickly. They use icons such as the ‘+’ to indicate the viewer can add the book to either there own person library or reading list. it also gives you option of whether you’d like to flick the pages side ways or have a scrolling page. so its much more adaptable to the users needs. I also like the minimal colour scheme of this app and how the orange is used to show hierarchy as its contrasts with white.