This week a group of 3rd year students came in to present to us there concept for the degree show this year. I found this beneficial to see how they’ve developed there own brand identity. As well as how they’ve worked as a team to do this, as we are currently working in groups to produce a brand identity for OUT projects as part of our design practice project. They mentioned that it was important to have fun with each other along the process which makes working together a lot more enjoyable.

I thought it also helped inform the individual part of our assignment of expanding a visual language as they had to consider numerous elements of there advertisement including a poster, catalogue, leaflet, tote bag, t-shirt and more. Which we have also been tasked to do in our current project.

There concept centres around the idea of everyone at the university coming from different places, countries and having different accents. The way of connecting all of this was the word ‘and’ which was the name of there team. There designs flow very well with each other and there’s a clear link with all the items as they’ve kept the same colour palette and illustrations but applied them in different ways.

I found the designs very interesting and found the presentation as a whole very inspiring to see how much work they’d put into achieving the standard of work they’d made.