Inspired by the Tina Touli talk I attended last week. This week in lesson we took some of her approaches on board in creating an experimental poster.

For 114DD the brief we must design an exhibition based on a folktale of our choice. Included in this is producing promotional materials such as a poster to showcase the event and set the tone of what to expect from the exhibition.

We were set the task in lesson at creating a typographic poster using materials we could get our hands on and experimenting with them in a variety of non-conventional ways, like how Tina works.

I decided to choose a cd to see whether I could create something interesting with it. I firstly looked at how the mirror side looked in the light and the colours it produced. This lead me to think about what effect would be created if I used the photocopier and scanned the cd. I placed the cd on the scanner and began to move it around which created a distorted effect.

Here’s an example of the results I had. I like the effect this created as it creates a rainbow like illusion. It also reminded me of ripples in water. I decided to then edit it in photoshop to see how I could manipulate it further.

Once I’d experimented with changing the colours and contrast of the image I felt as though it reflected my story as it almost looks like a wiggly pathway which would reflect the journey that Hansel and Gretel go on in the woods. To me it creates a built up of anticipation for where they’ll end up.

I feel this task was very useful and has taught me that sometimes just testing out what you can do with a random material can help develop your process and take your designs in another direction.