This week while our classmates were in Coppenhagen. I embarked on a self directed field trip. To some museums around Birmingham in search for inspiration for the Design Practice project. Specifically looking for influence which would help develop my exhibition poster ideas.

I first ventured into the IKON museum. Here there was an exhibition by Meryl McMaster. In these series of works McMaster uses photography to interpret and restage ancestral stories, which are written into the landscapes by the people who once lived there. I felt a great connection to our current project as we are trying to retell cultural folktales which help to explore each countries identity. I think its clever in which she’s able to showcase a whole story within one image, something I’m going to have to do through my exhibition and poster.

I like how the similar compositions remain flows throughout the images focusing the attention on the different characters in the centre.

The next exhibition I explored was the John Walker exhibition who produces abstract paintings. This series of works were inspired by coastal landscapes in which he lives by. Through his use of paint strokes and colour he captures tidal movement as well as light and space.

Although I was critical of his work to begin with because I didn’t understand it. On reflection and discovering there meaning I can visualise the movement and atmosphere he was trying to interpret.