I’m currently studying graphic design at university.

I decided to take the path of graphic design after completing a 2 year course in Art and Design at college. This course although was broad, a lot was centred around fine art. Although I enjoyed this style and that’s where my creative journey began. I felt as though I was more passionate about creating design art which had more purpose and function.

Geometric Forest painting I created at College

Although it was college that I cemented my decision to be a graphic designer. Thinking back there were many signs in which influenced and lead me to where I am now. My passion for it started way before this. I had a keen interest in design from a young age and seemed to thrive in creative tasks.

I felt as though it was something which allowed me to stand out and separated me from most of the peers at school. It made me feel special. People would ask me if I could ‘draw this for them’ in class so there’s could look as good as mine. My primary school teacher once told me that I’d make a great web designer in the future which I held onto as a possible career idea from that point onwards. Not only in class but at home I’d spend my time making posters and greetings cards for my friends and family.

Later on I began to create mock advertisements with my friend after school. We’d design products we thought should exist in the real world and create commercials for them. We’d create storylines for the advert and rehearse and film them. Still now I enjoy watching television adverts and analysing how they advertise there products to consumers.

I’m very passionate about the advertisement and branding side of graphics. Specifically things such as product and packaging design. I also love designing bookcovers, greetings cards and posters. And although at this stage I’m uncertain what career I want to go into after university I would like to think it will be expressing myself in one of these fields. University is helping me make this decision by being able to explore the many forms of graphics there are through the array of brief we are being given.

In the next few months I hope to be able to create my own website using coding as this is a current part of our project and I’m currently not confident with that side of design. I also wish to continue getting more ambition with my software design and improving the quality of my work through using more complex features on Photoshop, illustrator etc.