During this meeting we talked about the current state of the booklet, general questions anyone had about what we’re going to make etc, however to summarise:

  • We have looked into the content that we need for the booklet and have ordered it, this has been posted on Miro , the total number of spreads we are going to need to produce is 13.
  • At the moment in terms of what we should be all doing, pick a spread or two from the list and experiment with it in terms of structuring the information in different ways, as long as it falls within the style of our branding, since we want to experiment with what works and what doesn’t, this way we can receive more feedback from the lecturers and Mike in terms of visuals, and then this will allow us to make informed decisions on how the information will work on the page. The two “Model” spreads so far are the one with the expressive typography, and the one with the player interviews, since the lecturers liked these and they both look as if they could be from the same booklet, showing this style is consistent in terms of visuals, and feedback.
  • We are also going to be sending an email to Mike about catching up with the player information since we haven’t received all of it yet, plus some of the photos need re-taking so we’re going to remind him of that. We are also going to be providing questions for the kids to ask for the “Player Interviews” sections which we all need to decide on. These questions will be primarily focused on how they have been training during lock-down, what they hope for the next season etc.