Both my team members have been working on different poster compositions.

Velislava’s Poster’s based on team decision making;

Skaiste’s Posters;

We showed our client both of our poster concepts and we have been advised to mix both of them together, as the client liked them both. As one is very corporate looking and the other more edgy and exciting for our young target audience, by combining the two we can create a perfect balance. We are going to experiment with the expressive typography on Skaiste’s poster and apply it to Velislava’s existing visuals.

The client also mentioned he liked the colours that we have decided to use as he thought they related to technology companies in industry.

Both members of my team are now going to share their poster files, so we can each try and experiment with them. We will then bring our designs back together to see which variation works the best.

Updated: Here are my posters using my team members original poster designs and trying to combine them together.