Prior to our presentation tomorrow, where we will show our lecturers and peers our progression with our project, we had a team meeting to finalise our decisions in regards to our brand identity and outcomes.

Discussion points of meeting were as follows;

  • We looked at how different fonts look like: rany, aktiv grotesk ext, ebrima, avenir would look with our title font and decided which we will be using: Rany light.
  • We caught up about the things we have done so far and looked at our different combinations after our discussions on WhatsApp chat.
  • We made sure it was clear what our aim, message and concept were.
  • We designated each team member with a deliverable
  • We brainstormed the ideas for what will feature within different outcomes.
  • Talked about where each deliverable will be situated in order to attract our target audience the best.

Aim – to show the opportunities out there for the next generation, provide guidance and connect with other women (role modes etc).

Message – empower, explore, embrace a career in tech.

Concept – connectivity and empowerment of women.

Designated deliverables

Brochure- Velislava

Social Media- Myself

Website- Skaiste

At the event: tote bag, notebook, pen and everything is inside in the flyer that invites to an online or in-person seminar

Brochures: schools, educational places. (different careers with more info, cover front and back, social media, website link, intro/about section, a quote of from successful women like on the website (and a picture of that women)

Poster: will go to magazines as one-sided spread as a group, career boards, schools, educational places, around university campus, bus stops (younger people don’t drive, so they are using buses).

Social media: Instagram – square posts, stories. Facebook – square posts, stories, the cover photo for the page, twitter-square posts. (posts – moving title text to both sides, picture with women and a fact/quote, posts about events, seasonal posts. Stories – event reminder, Question as to what other careers we should include and leave a place for answer sticker, behind the scenes seminars graphic and have where images will be placed, testimonials. Highlight cover graphics – maybe.

Website: home page – opportunities, event announcements, stories of successful women in tech, statistics.