As soon as we finished our client meeting, as a team we jumped straight onto another zoom call in which we could further discuss the information provided to us by Mike and set a plan of action for the next few days.

Discussions points during this meeting were as follows;

  • Discussed which spreads we had made as individuals, noting what works best and improvements we will make to them. In some cases we will combine two together as we like elements from both.
  • Talked about footer layout so we will have consistence across them all; left spread- page number, rotate between the name of section and ‘Ambleside Avengers’. Right spread – ‘season 20/21’
  • We changed the order of spreads so that coaches review will come straight after managers review so we can group this section together and call it ‘VIEW FROM THE SIDELINES’
  • Deadline for improvements is the end of the day so we can book another feedback session with lecturers on Thursday.