Prior to the meeting with Mike Duncan, our client for the Ambleside Brief, he has sent out an email to update us with more information about the next stage of our brief, in order to help our thinking process.

Discussion points of email include;

  • The kids will be back to actual football on 29th March. So in terms of us getting more dynamic photos of games, etc, we would need to wait until then. 
  • Asked about our due date for this project to ensure we have all of our assets in time for production.
  • If we would like to get up-to-date profile pics of the kids in kit before that we can and the parents can take and send them to him which he can forward to us (eg for the cards and posters). Direction would be required from us on what kind of poses we might like the kids in.
  • For the cards we would need a card for each child plus the coaches (there are 4 of them).

In terms of Booklet

  • He can share with us what has gone before. They have previously had A5 booklets and also one that was A5 height but square.
  • We would also need as pdf electronically but also as high res PDF with 3mm bleed/individual pages to get printed (that’s what they always seem to get asked by printers).

Typically in the booklet we have the following sections;

  • Managers review of the season (approx 700 words)
  • Game of the season (approx. 500-600 words)
  • Then this year, 7 of the kids, who have been with the club since age 5 will receive their ‘100 club’ caps. These are Ambleside branded caps, made by the same people who make ones for England internationals, so if we could have a page celebrating those 7 kids that would be great.
  • What has tended to happen in previous years if then a series of ‘stuff’ which could be lots of things. We have had profiles of each of the kids for example, with pictures of them, had  a section called ‘this or that’ where each child responds to a series of random questions eg fifa vs fortnite, messi vs Ronaldo, dairy milk vs galaxy, had almost a photo gallery type thing where action pictures of the kids have been framed in some way……so there is opportunity for us to bring our take on things there.
  • Depending on timescales, etc, there may be possibility of some of you coming to take pics if you wanted, or the coaches can do it, if that makes things easier for you, or if current restrictions don’t allow you to come over to us.
  • Normally, what has been done each year is prepared some of the things, and then I update you after hand in and ask you to just update the booklet sometimes before we get printed. The presentation at end of season will likely be end June ish so there is usually some info asked to be included in the booklet after hand in.
  • We also can start to finalise things like the colour scheme, certificates, etc too.