Before university I had pretty much zero skills with using digital software’s such a photoshop which I was aware was a key skill in graphic design. I was used to working more with physical materials such as paint and pencil. This was daunting for me joining my course as I felt as if this was a key skill I already needed to have, to produce my work and therefore I was behind before I had even begun.

This is why when it came to picking an advantage module I was keen to develop these skills so I picked ‘Adobe Photoshop: Introduction to Visual Communication’ which I’ve been attending this second semester. I would like to document in my blog some of the knowledge I’m learning during these sessions so I can refer back to them in the future.

Alongside this I was also able to develop my skills in Adobe softwares such as InDesign, Illustrator through specific practical lessons, in semester one. I’ve rapidly developed skills using these software’s and have used them in every single project I’ve done so far. I’m now in a more confident position to achieve better standards of design work but realise I’m still along way from the skill level I want to be at. I want to keep practicing and developing in my own time using YouTube tutorials and other resources during the summer.