Following the shortlist of my proposal responding to the UK city of Culture Volunteer Uniform Brief. I was informed that my proposal was received with much interest by Coventry city of culture trust and the host management team (Coventry university student union and community interest company EnV) who created the brief. With representatives commending the standard and quality of the ideas. It was one of three proposals considered to have met the brief as well as the broad expectations of the partners and individual stakeholders involved.

‘While no single design has been adopted from the proposals received. Yours is credited for having a pivotal role in inspiring and informing the final uniform design

Email from Craig Ashley (School of Art and Design)

I attended a meeting with Craig Ashley and Matt Wall (Director of enterprise, CUSU).  Where I received further feedback on my successful proposal and was given information on how it had informed and inspired the development of the uniform.  

Ahead of the uniform launch on the 14th May, I was able to attend a PR event where CUSU would like to profile my work and credit my involvement in the development. During this event myself alongside the two other designers and some of the city volunteers, were involved in a photoshoot in which I got to wear the final uniform before it was put into action the following week.

The finished uniform is as manufactured by scimitar and will be worn by 5000 volunteers during the celebratory events. 

The images from the photo shoot were used across the CUSU social media to promote the uniform and press reports were also made which credit my involvement. 

CUSU Social Media Links:

Press Reports:

Coventry 2021 City Host uniforms revealed | CWLEP

Coventry Observer:
Coventry Telegraph: