This Wednesday, on the back of our previous project briefing last week, we arranged a client meeting with Michael Duncan from Ambleside football Club. To give us the opportunity to ask questions and talk through in more detail what is expected from the extended brief.

During this meeting the client shared background information of the club, which allowed us to form a better insight into their values and history together as a team.

We also discussed previous years work and what attributes worked well and which didn’t work as well. This was valuable information which we will be able to implement to ensure we produce the best possible solution for the client.

We also talked through improvements he would like us to make to our existing touchpoints. He was very pleased with our designs overall but requested we change our colour palette to a more green colour because it needs to stay true to existing brand identity.

We also discussed photography as we need updated photos of the children as well as coaches for our posters, trading cards and social media channels, as before we were just using sample images. Because of the circumstances with COVID the majority of our imagery will need to be taken by parents as well as the coaches themselves when they are able to begin training again.

We arranged to send him a follow up email which would feature instructions regarding our desired poses for the photos as well as information we require for the cards such as players favourite team, position and number. Aswell as scheduling a meeting with him for two weeks time in which we can show him our progress.