In December 2017 Coventry was awarded UK city of culture 2021. Giving Coventry the opportunity to showcase itself to the community.

Our first design practice brief of this semester involved creating a piece of outwear, accompanied by accessories for the team of over 5000 volunteers, who will play a central role in the city of culture events. The outwear must support the volunteers during outdoor events and be versatile and fit for purpose.

The volunteer uniform must reflect the brand and values of Coventry city of culture. So, it was important I reviewed the brand guidelines provided to make sure I stayed inline with there existing branding. This would mean my freedom for the designs are more limited.

“The branding has been designed to represent this story of movement, taking inspiration from Coventry’s industrial stories. The design has been built in a modular way, so that it can constantly flex and adapt – whilst feeling consistent overall. It uses symbols and a unique hue of blue, that we call ‘Moving Blue’, which was created with Weavers House, developed from dyes used in the medieval weaving trade.”

Coventry Moves: Launching the Brand – Laura McMillan Blog – Coventry UK City of Culture 2021 (

In order to be successful in my outcomes for this brief. I noted key requirements of my designs for the volunteers uniform.

•Volunteers will support cultural events •Indoor, online and in open air •Needs to be suitable for all weather types •All seasons •Reflect brand values •Inclusive •Versatile •Fit for purpose •Practical •Creative