Now we are in isolation and are not able to leave our houses, I’m trying to see the positives in the situation that I have time to solely focus on my projects and working to the upcoming deadlines. I’m thankful for having this work so I’m able to keep myself busy and my brain stimulated. Its allowing me to disconnect from our current situation and give me a sense of purpose.

What I would like to achieve during isolation?

I hope I’m able to keep motivated and invest myself into completing all my deadlines to a good standard. I want to complete all my assignments way in advance so I’m not left stressed as the deadline approaches, as I struggle to work under pressure.

Although my uni work takes me priority I would also like to invest my time in personal projects. I’d like to design a logo for myself and my own personal brand identity for me as a graphic designer. 

How am I going to do this?

Ways I’m going to try and do this is by forming a routine for myself and planning out the structure which will help my day flow in a productive way. I’ve begun writing a list for myself of the things I would like to achieve that day so I can keep on track.

What I’ve learnt so far is trying to do work and attend online lectures from the comfort of my bed doesn’t work for me as I just want to go back to sleep. So instead I want to start waking up earlier and getting properly ready as if I were leaving my house to make myself feel more ready for the day. 

Also working from another place other than my bed or even completely out of my room so I can have a distinct difference between work and rest. I’ve found I work well in the window seat of my living room being able to look outside while I work is rather uplifting. I’m also trying to form a balance between work and personal time as now it all is contained within one location. I also want to not beat myself up when I can no longer concentrate and need a break.