This week we have been given new live briefs based on our desired graphic design preferences. These briefs have come from a range of clients who we will be interacting with during the next 7 weeks while we produce their set deliverables.  

I have been given a brief by company FUTURE a design agency from the Manchester area. Our brief is to create a recruitment campaign which will attract the next generation of females to pursue a career in the technology industry. With an aim to equalise the male dominated sector and empower and encourage women. As part of this brief my team members and I will create a campaign identity through a campaign name , slogan, website home page design, poster / adshel campaign, social media content, brochure cover and spread. Aswell as any other appropriate channels which can amplify our message.

Alongside this project I will be continuing to work on the Ambleside brief as our team were chosen as the winners based on our deliverables from the first stage of the brief. We will now move onto the next stages of production. Which involves producing a booklet/football type programme, which will reflect the last years football season. It will include managers reviews and game of the season content.

As we have already established a clear visual identity for Ambleside avengers we will use this in the productions of the booklet to insure coherence between that and the rest of the outputs.

In order to balance both my projects I must schedule my time appropriately so I’m able to stay on track with the responsibilities I have from both teams.