This week we were given our second live brief for our design practice module. This time working in groups to create design solutions for a client. 

Our client is Ambleside junior football club, specifically the under 11’s team, Ambleside Avengers. We had the opportunity to speak directly to the client during our lesson over zoom, where he was able to answer queries we had in regards to the brief deliverables.

Our client has given us the task of producing a reimagined version of their logo, match attax style cards, individual player posters, certificates, editable templates for their presentation event, social media templates accompanied by brand style guidelines.

Our designs will be in response to the clubs values. 

Club values

  • community spirit
  • importance of sport
  • providing the players with a sense of belonging/identity/self esteem
  • empowering players and gaining confidence

Amongst our teams we must consider how we can turn their team values into a creative concept which can be used across all touch points of the clubs branding. 

It’s crucial we make it as user friendly as possible so the client can use and edit our creations with ease. Which is a consideration I wouldn’t have widely considered before working on a live brief. 

We must also acquaint for cost of production as the club have a budget to stick to. So we must research and gather quotes another consideration I often don’t consider when working on our hypothetical briefs.

As a team we have decided that our first port of call would be the logo which would help inform the rest of the outcomes and provide the teams branding with a clear identity. 

To communicate as a team, we have set up a Trello and Miro board which has proved to be incredibly useful for sharing our ideas and quick visuals we have researched for inspiration. Alongside this we have set up a group WhatsApp for fast pace communication and setting up meetings over zoom.

Individually we will come up with logo designs based on our discussed concept and then decide amongst ourselves which one we will take forward into development and working on the other outputs.

Existing Club Logo

From Ambleside Junior Football Club Facebook page by Ambleside Junior Football Club, 2021, (Facebook)