This week I have been working on going through my design work so I can see what work I think should be included in my portfolio.

When looking at portfolios in lesson it was advised to pick work for our portfolio based on the factors below, I will use these points to analyse each of my projects and decide what should be included in my portfolio.

  • Best work
  • Work that represents me
  • Work I enjoyed producing the most
  • Work which covers the disciplines of my community of practice

I think all of the points on this list relate to one another, as if it is a piece of work I enjoyed making it will most likely be my best work and also represent me as a designer. So the process of picking projects to include should hopefully flow easily.

I went through my computer and found all of my projects from the last 3 years and listed them in order familiarise myself and categories them based on the disciplines they cover. I then went and highlighted the ones I would consider putting in my portfolio based on the considerations I have listed.

A lot of the work from the first year I felt no longer is representative of my skills as a designer, so I have decided to not include those in my portfolio.

As I want to go into the advertising industry, I have selected project which showcase this so potential employers can see I have an appropriate skillset for that industry. Within the projects I have chosen to include in my portfolio, I have expressed my concept using multiple medias, I will chose the best outcomes of each project to show potential employers I can extend the visual language across platforms, which was a requirement they specify. Also when showing group project work I aim to select the areas/outcomes of the project which I had the most control over.

Next Stages= plan the order the projects will go into my portfolio