In todays PDP lesson we were told what teams we would be working on in the curation of the degree show. I have been selected to part of the social media team. Our role will be to gain an online presence and tease the audience on the build up to the show.

During the lesson we broke out into our individual groups to get to know each other and voice our individual input. We started by making a team WhatsApp group so we can communicate with each other in regards to updates and setting up meetings. We also made a trello board to track our progress and gather and share visuals.

Degree Show Social Media | Trello

Paul and Rebecca also dropped in to give us a better understanding of what is expected of us in regards to our role and outputs for the social media side of the degree show. From this we assembled some questions we need to consider as a team to build our strategy so we have a clear understanding of what we will be doing;


  • What platform will we be using and why?
  • What stretedy are we going to use each platform for?
  • How are we doing to tease the show?
  • What information are we going to include in the posts?
  • Are we including photographs? Or graphic visuals?
  • Are we doing videos?


  • Look at some of the past shows social media accounts for inspiration
  • Research the most useful strategies to go viral and promote the show
  • Research what each platforms are best at

We agreed we would consider these questions and do research before meeting up next Wednesday to further discuss moving forward.