During this weeks lesson, our class was tasked with creating an inventory of possible jobs in the industry in order to help us identify what field we would like to enter after university. This was a useful exercise as it gave me an understanding of each job role as well as skills and qualifications needed to achieve a job in those fields.

I chose the Advertising industry as this is where I feel I have the most strength and interest. By defining my chosen community practice I can now set a goal and define steps I need to take in order to achieve it.


Job Description

An advertising designer works with an agency, group, firm or organization to produce effective campaigns for ads. They work closely with clients and companies to convey a message using type, photography, illustration and colour. An advertising designer may choose to work within several media, such as in print or Web. They research trends to see what works for customers. Ad designers must have a keen eye for details and a creative mind. They are required to adhere to strict deadlines and may be required to work irregular hours.


•Ad designers are typically responsible for planning a new project or ad campaign. •They must create eye-catching advertisements or a memorable theme. •Advertising designers edit and manipulate ad presentation according to client specifications. •They must be able to communicate with management or clients in order to determine the appropriate direction of a project. •Advertising designers may be required to sketch several layouts for customers.  •Meet with client companies and discuss goals •Perform market research identifying areas upon which to focus. •Create advertising plans and content to reach those demographics •Test concepts and review results with client companies •Refine concepts and content to match those results •Test advertising ideas repeatedly and often to measure effectiveness •They need to have a financial understanding and keep to the budget of the client •Advising clients about production, printing, time and designs.

Qualifications (pathway in)

•Bachelor’s degree in art and design. •Portfolio •Knowledge in Design software •Experience in sales is beneficial •Relevant IT skills (Adobe Creative Cloud; Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere Pro etc) •Masters degree for managerial roles •Understanding of HTML

Core Skills

•Brainstorming design concepts •Presentation skills •Communication skills •Project management skills •Using design software (InDesign, Photoshop etc) •Collaboration skills (with clients/colleagues) •Creating style guides/branding guidelines •Creating effective layouts •Understanding target audience •Flexibility •Knowledge of fine arts •An eye for detail •Time management •Ability to prioritise tasks •Integrity •Motivation •Drawing skills