Alongside a website portfolio I am also required to produce a Full screen PDF presentation that fits your laptop screen which can easily be sent out to employers to show a sample of my work. I plan to edit this portfolio depending on the role/agency I am applying for so I can show I am an appropriate fit for their agency.

I have chosen a few key projects which are all focused on branding and advertising, showing a direct link to my community of practice. I have started my portfolio with what I believe to be one of my stronger bodies on work, which is why it has been situated here, to get the employers attention from the start and show them I understand and have experience delivering solutions to briefs. I have been sure to include both print and digitised solutions for my campaigns to show how I can work with both medias and to demonstrated how I have been consistent and considerate with branding across platforms. This being an important skill my community of practice require, which I discovered through research.

I have added a title and specific discipline of the project as well as a brief description of the project, so it is easier for the viewer to understand what was trying to be achieved and the behind it. I hope that this will show employers my thought process and demonstrate that I am a good conceptual thinker, who can make strategic links.