As a starting point for this module, we were tasked with completing a 10-minute personality test, which would help us define our personal employability assets. We could use these as a guide and reminder of our traits and how we interact with others to understand out strength and weaknesses.

The test was Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which analyses your personality based on assigning you with one from each of these four categories.

The four categories are: introversion/extraversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling and judging/perceiving.  

The result of the test indicated that my role was a Diplomat, and my type was a Turbulent Advocate, which I discovered is the rarest personality type of them all.

“An Advocate (INFJ) is someone with the IntrovertedIntuitiveFeeling, and Judging personality traits. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.”









•Altruistic (selflessness)



  • Sensitive to criticism
  • Reluctant to Open Up
  • Perfectionistic
  • Avoiding the ordinary
  • Prone to Burnout
  • Become frustrated when it comes to navigating interpersonal conflicts, confronting unpleasant facts, pursuing self-realization, or finding a fulfilling career path. As a result, you may sometimes find yourself questioning who you really are – and who you’re really meant to be.
  • Turbulent Advocates are likely to question themselves more and are ordinarily more sensitive to stressors
  • Self-criticism- worry and regret
  • Hold more negative views of things.
  • Introvert- reserved and quiet
  • Struggle with unexpected challenges
  • Take fewer risks  constantly looking for approval

I think the personality test results came back very accurate to me as a person. Therefore this is was a helpful exercise as I was able to confront myself and unravel things I may not have otherwise considered. This will help me shape my characteristics in a way which will be beneficial for my career.

How might I use these traits in my 312AAD module?

When it comes to my approach with work, planning and decision making, I have a judging personality. This means I like to consider my option ahead of time and make sure the course ahead is well planned rather than going with the flow. This will help me in this module specifically with learning outcome 1 which focuses around planning our university exit strategy through an action plan.

How might these traits effect group work?

The personality trait which determines how we interact with our environment identified me as an introvert. Although this means I can be rather reserved it also means I’m more likely to listen to others more carefully which will be useful in group situations.

The turbulent side of my personality suggests I’m sensitive to criticism which could be a downfall in my team-working skills as designers need to be able to receiving feedback on our design work whether that be positive or negative and not take it personally. 

How might these traits be used in my chosen career path?

I will be able to use the introverted side of my personality to listen to clients and colleagues more carefully as well as using my compassion to understand what they are asking for.

I will be able to utilise my strength in creativity and strong sense of compassion in my community of practice as I will need to use my imagination to come up with interesting ideas and design solutions.

I will use the judging side of my personality in order to plan ahead and stay organised which should help with my time management and meeting deadlines.

The perfectionistic side of my personality will also help me complete all of my tasks to the best possible standard.