In todays PDP lesson we focused on looking at what makes a good portfolio in regards to its structure and content in order to help us produce our own for industry. I noted down key points from the lecture in to help me when making my portfolio.

  • Let go of lesser work- 8-10 quality pieces that highlight best work
  • Format- Online portfolio as well as Full screen PDF presentation that fits your laptop screen. Also social media presence (separate from personal profile)
  • Intro- says who you are, where you’re located and what kind of work you do.
  • Chose right work- only best work, what you want to do in the future, any work you care alot about
  • Easy to look through- clean and fully focused on the work itself.
  • About Page- glimpse into who you are and put contact info on this page
  • Order of work- show best work at the beginning and end
  • Label it-include client name, specific job role
  • Include the process as well as final work
  • Optimize image and video sizes for web (image sizes should be under 1MB)

Next Stages= collate and review all work undertaken and decide which is most suitable for my portfolio based on the above strategy.