As homework for the 312AAD module we had to produce a personal SWOT analyses which will help me achieve my goals. After researching and deciding that my career goal is to work as an advertising designer I was able to use my knowledge of the traits they require, in order to identify strength I already posses which will help me in this industry as well as weaknesses which need to be improved on to be a suitable candidate.

Below is my Personal SWOT analyses with the goal of getting a job in an advertising studio:

I then tried to take my weaknesses and see them from a new perspective which turns my characteristics into strengths.

Self critic- shows that I’m always trying to improve things which could mean I won’t settle and will try and achieve better work.

Introvert- Although this means I can be rather reserved it also means I’m more likely to listen to other more carefully which will be useful when understanding clients and working in a team.